Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Black Hair, Blue Eyes Scholarship

How does it do to the Allegro community

people do not get it at what items the Allegro on a 'waved the phone pic from the left bar and slightly rozmazała me and I forgot to rotate vertical pictures but I put'. The photos are passport size, and the object in the distance on the horizon, but hey - the sale of the bank. Well, not my friend - do not be sold. Since I'm not going to the store, I have no way pomacania, poobracania, and the only way to know what I want to buy serves on fotkach I want lots of them, in good quality and, by God, turned to the vertical. No longer do I require a uniform background, good lighting and presentation with beautiful scenery but do not trashing whore mother of my search results this syfem.

Holding a little theme I'm a fan (which may have already mentioned this), car salesmen of Gubin. They have a sub-contractor, a professional company that issues them these cars at auctions. Another issue that a car with a freshly drawn mostly to the auction are already sold but it demonstrates the excellent condition and reputation. If you are in the vicinity of Gubin recommend hook the parking lot full of interesting cars. Specifically, wystaczy indicate that the person wants to ride and just to get a great keychain password is correct and 'You go to the stestuj'. And there is a test. Auctions as beads should show the sales training site. Simply religious. Example 1, Example 2 , Example 3.

in the new year I wish you gentlemen of such cars, and the ladies wish men to such cars:) And seriously, the health, health, and health. Do not forget for a health drink and come north. Let it happen in the New, 2011!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why Is There Alot Of Ewcm Before A Period

best things in life are free. Beautiful design. Producers reportedly chosen in the competition. Well, but how can you not choose such a master as RJD2.

whole mixtape Talib Kweli - Year of the blacksmith (the community) you can download here .

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bed Frame Convert Queen To King

The Stew after the holidays are coming Slovak

There are sauces and seasonings to taste narcotic. Taste the unique, which is deep in the memory. For me, these flavors are usually narcotic hellishly sharp. In my top memorable flavors are primarily Sambal Sauce Oelek , Sukiyaki sauce or soup Kuks . My time, my wife brought me to the spice of Morocco - Harissa. Since then, Harissa has established itself for good in my kitchen, adding a kick of the more bland dishes.

the promised recipe for stew with a slight modification of the Slovak ala cienX Harissa can substitute chili peppers. We need

first Onions and meat (beef or pork) in the proportions the same bunch of chopped meat and onions.
second 5 cloves garlic
third Tomato paste (tablespoon)
4th Spices - sweet pepper, marjoram, caraway seeds ground, Harissa (oooo yes)
5th Dry red wine or medium dry

In a saucepan with a wider bottom Warm up the oil and chopped onion thrown at him. Złocimy gently and pour a large amount of sweet paprika and a teaspoon of harissy. Stir vigorously and pour red wine łyczkiem what would we not burnt peppers and bitter. Put the cubed meat and fry while stirring from time to time. Then throw

finely chopped cloves of garlic, poured a fair amount of marjoram and a pinch of cumin. Add the tablespoon of tomato paste, mix, water the wine (not too much to meet with the soup was not done) and cook covered until tender. You may from time to time pour the wine as the liquid evaporates from the pot - it's me has not happened yet. There you go.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Poptropica Who Do You Get The Segal Away

Yes, yes, all healthy. I sit down to scrap the tenth time and spełza it all on anything. Like going to dress up a lot but it all interesting words somehow fail.

Dziuba growing. A, and yes. Time passes, according to its daily rhythm, and its subsequent kg speed of light is measured the next day. Work turned into a training cycle. Afternoons and evenings is basketball and language learning. Weekends are walking and visiting in-laws. Life rustic and straightforward. Keep it up:)

The interesting thing - I get it on the election committee elections to see how they look from the kitchen. It was quite funny. I will not say. Especially with 30% turnout. Congratulations, that you in the ass of democracy. Keep it coming. You showed that one of you boots.

In addition I had the pleasure to do as an interpreter of English group that came to us for unknown reasons. I never imagined that I could do it. I'm not very assertive. But recently, in spite of myself, I try to do many things that I did not have enough courage in the past.

I write reviews of sports is still what makes me more pleasure. Maybe that's why so ventured blog:) But I promise improvement.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Baby Sleeping On Stomach 10 Months

third place

Dziubie maiden day for 3 months. With just over a week waiting for her Studniówka. :) Decided to take this opportunity to talk to my dad about 4 am, and so the arguments of the five exchanged - I am convinced that it is worthwhile at this time to sleep, and she emphatically denied using the relevant arguments. Time finished off both sides of debate conflict and went on to their beds, dreaming dreams unduly interrupted.

A week after week flies like crazy. He started a training project which makes it last too often I visit home. Training about-professional and language courses, to the basketball and lack of free time somehow. You can find me also in the electoral commission, because of curiosity, I also zawiało in these pages. Finally, after four years you have to ukonstytułować and start for the presidency of this city: P

Well we took the major and third place in the national tournament for the handshake policy. In the trash, of course. Dramatic the tip was. I had two buzzerbeatery. One led to a draw even: P Overall, a trophy and medals adorn the office wall:)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Henta Blog Bible Black

Silencing children)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Play The Kiss, By Joby Talbot Onpiano


Halloween every year is gaining popularity in my town. And every year it gets worse. Pranks performed by young people rely on the devastation of the entrance gates, intercom and ketchup umazaniu white front wall on which hangs intercom. This year, more or less everything is washed away. But for years I will be there with a garden hose and I watered that society. Pacify I will be ghosts and teats. Should also add that, being a small child, does not suit me as someone knocks on the door around 20:00, because my kid wakes up. I can still bake a turkey for Thanksgiving? Valentine's Day is like no other damn thing.

I go a big step in local elections. Is your town a long time suddenly open finite investment? Do you suddenly moved to the investment zapowiadanymi since the beginning of term? We decided to do all the main thoroughfares of the city, plus they moved a few long-prepared sites. Paralysis of our townships is worse now than in the season. But nothing is. In December, slow down:) Rested. Well

and always wanted to have total domain. I have. From today, just .

Monday, October 25, 2010

Kates Playground All Hoodie

Go to the elections

got reprimanded, I do not write, and 'not-know-what-u-you-hear'. Once people were calling to each other and ask what is going on - read today, the silent hand wuwuwu. Civilization is in keeping with global isolation.

And in my boredom. Not too much is like going to the cinema, theater or even a restaurant. We wait until Dziuba generally have a slightly older. As long as we use the charms of fine weather, which now appears less and less, and walk on deserted Kolobrzeg. Of the great hits of local life, started the season the Polish Basketball League and the Amateur League. With this first happens that I write reviews for a newspaper, and the latter happens to me play. Sunday's match finished with four points and two fouls. So I turned up in the statistics. The team has already lost my tradition. So again - nihil novi.

the facts worthy of note, my wife won a little bit of the notarial system in Poland. I keep my fingers crossed and I have great hope that in 5 years time I go to retire and become a kept man of his wife. I must admit that I would not have mind: P

Returning to the child, but because it is impossible to avoid the boring, but very absorbing topic - small regular basis, between 2 weeks and sleeps from 22:00 to 9:00 in the morning. Without interruption. Midwives and other breast of expert grab his head and say that you need to wake up for feeding every 3 hours, for something. We generally have these councils in the ass, because dad and mom always liked to sleep. The child shows no accumulation of these lazy, likes and dislikes. Do not complain - not at all:)

Personally, I have recently more time to experiment with cooking that my wife uses a boring, monotonous diet. I So do your favorite spicy dishes and various kinds of marine dziwolongi whose mouth it would not take. Last particularly podpasowały me two meals. King Prawns and a man named Charles Okrasy slightly modified recipe for stew Slovak (apparently) podebrany Makłowiczowi. I promise to share soon.

Ps. Have you noticed that the program has ceased to be a culinary Makłowicz, but rather has become a typical 'travel'? Sloth sometimes nothing can only cook enters the restaurant and orders to show what they're doing ... You may ask who's watching Makłowicz at 10:30 on Sunday? For me it's perfect program for a hangover, and the so-called morning shot:) The guy is sometimes fascinated by the color of spinach or fresh basil flavor acquired. It's too strong. Smoke a blunt on the bank.

and approaching elections to local governments. Contrary to appearances, these are the most important election for the average Kowalski. Come and vote for their candidate. It will look like your immediate environment will determine the next four years just from the people you choose. Go to the ballot box on November 21! Even Dziuba has its candidate.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gp1200r Starter Spinning But Not Making Contact

And Liverpool ...

Gdyby nie radio Trójka, muzyczne życie byłoby nudne :)

A ja wybywam do Poznania na kilka dni...

Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Cook Fort Hardy Ribs


Między poranną drzemką, a popołudniową kupą w majtach, z Beatki, zwanej rzadziej Marysią, wygnano szatana. Oddanie naszej dzieciny w ręce szeroko obowiązującej w tym kraju religii odbyło się błyskawicznie, w skromnym gronie rodzinnym. Ja osobiście liczę, że wygnanie szatana, sprawiło iż będzie spała częściej :) Choć prawdę mówiąc nie ma na co narzekać, bo spokojnie przesypia całe noce, at her age is apparently rare.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Contagious Ofchicken Pox

About the Lisbon Treaty debate

my 'lucky' to the complexity of communication during business travel does not intend to abandon me. After the famous stall in the capital of Spain, a similar fate befell me in Brussels. How not to volcanic dust is traffic controllers' strike. Well, we managed to escape before they began in earnest protests of trade unions announced. Apparently 80tys people gathered in Brussels to effectively cripple it. Fortunately, when we were in Warsaw.

few observations. Brussels is a terribly depressing city. Confirm living there are people with whom I had the pleasure to talk to. He greeted us there, the rain and cold and overgrown structure of public administration. They have a perfect mule. Trivial way of cooking turns out to be brilliant in its simplicity. Local beer is pretty good as far as Leffe Blonde. I accidentally ordered the birthday liter beer aptly named "Mort subite" (roughly speaking - sudden death) turned out to be the taste of champagne ... (Sic). As you are no longer a student it turns out that the professors and doctors uniwesyteccy are cool. Strangely I was amongst Rodzinki same Szych sent from Krakow, Warsaw, Poznan and Gdansk. But privately, people are nice ... The title and the Treaty of Lisbon ... pretty messed up. Until then acts as a wrapper, and structure there is a complete mess. Until now, only came into force the provisions of the new positions of a President of the European Council (the famous president of Herman Van Rompuy), or "Baroness of foreign affairs," A certain Catherine Ashton (which according to my observations, all this shakes syfem thick bubble and scoops per month. .. or rather a week) .. and no thanks to her diplomatic mission of the facility are created outside the European union. There are stuffs more homies to salaries, saying little beyond imagination. In a word, the only thing that implement the whole treaty is a warm posadki. The rest will fall another 10 years. I am devastated. In the pale to me it just does not fit. But whatever. I was, I realized I ran away. I do not want to go back. That's all it is not morally right.
I fucked my coupon. In partnership with Arboleda. And this was to be a banker.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Caught Woman Sniffing Feet

I wore a wolf a few times and went Peszko wpizdu

In elementary school I had a level of which was smoking his pipe. It was a pretty hardcore thing at that stage of life. The whole class was one of two people who jumped on a break for the school in Caruska. Two times we were together at the Polish Championships in swimming. Guest despite the overall wbijactwa in their health calmly won two gold in freestyle and backstroke. Of course, after a successful day of swimming was beer, pipes, etc. Well, the guest does not combine his career in sport by far. And that's what separates this guy from the Polish representatives in such a football, is that I have somewhere level of athletic performance in swimming. However, the Polish national team athletes, the pride of the nation, people who watch television before millions of Poles (mostly male, with a beer in his hands.) I was not funny to me that this team the day before the match has an average of 2 per mille in the blood. This is a disregard for the hearts of fans. Because we see these patałachów later and we do not know why I can not kick the ball if his life the ball back. I believe that the crash Smuda Peszek as an example and be consistent in relation to the whole team. I turn to eliminate the weeds on the field were only athletes who depend on the sport, rather than travel and chlaniu. I prefer to Poland dropped from the Euro2012 szybo but that involved running around the pitch, fighting athletes, from the perspective of development, not a bunch of chewed. And do not convince me Boniek saying that this always was and always had alcohol in clusters. I care little what it was. Times have changed, buddy.

And today in Kolobrzeg Łona and the Pimps. Yo. I'm going to rap. Normally. Makalony white baseball cap and dusted already.